

A cozy place for behind-the-scenes chats about art and creativity.

Easy Art Projects for Stress Relief

It’s time to recharge

Sometimes we just have those weeks. The ones that just zap us of energy and motivation. Well, I just had one. Ok, a couple of them.

So I decided to search YouTube for some easy, meditative art projects and spent a day creating art. It definitely helped to calm my mind and relieve some of that muscle tension I could feel in my neck and back.

Below are the 5 projects I tried out. You’ll find a list of materials I used for each and the instructional videos from each artist.

I also included a video of me trying out each project.

Spread the Love!

If you would like to support those artists, please click the little thumbs up on their video and subscribe if you would like to see more of their work. It does mean a lot to them.

Pebble Swatches

by Natasha Newton

I could have spent a day just on these pebbles. The process made it so easy for me to slow down and enjoy the paint interacting with the paper.

Here’s what you’ll need

  • Watercolor Paper

  • Watercolor Paint

  • Paint Brush

  • Water Cups

  • Artist Tape or Washi Tape

Doodles for Stress Relief

by Miss Betsi

This was a really fun exercise. I did underestimate how much time it would take, however. If you are limited on time, I suggest cutting your paper in half.

Here’s what you’ll need

  • Paper

  • Pens (any pen or fine tip marker will do)

  • Colored Pencils

  • Eraser

  • Artist Tape or Washi Tape

Watercolor Exercises

by Lou Davis

I found this to be the most relaxing of the projects I tried. There are actually 3 different projects in the video and I highly recommend trying each of them!

Here’s what you’ll need

  • Watercolor Paper

  • Watercolor Paint

  • Paint Brush

  • Water Cups

  • Artist Tape or Washi Tape

Mandala Sunflower

by VA Arts

I love doing mandalas and the sunflower was a fun twist! This is another project that is probably more manageable with a smaller paper size.

Here’s what you’ll need

  • Paper

  • Compass or round objects to trace

  • Pens (any pen or fine tip marker will do)

  • Eraser

  • Artist Tape or Washi Tape

Neurographic Art

by Bethany Thiele

This was my favorite to practice my color mixing. I hope you enjoy this mindfulness exercise.

Here’s what you’ll need

  • Watercolor Paper

  • Watercolor Paint

  • Waterproof Ink Pen or Marker

  • Paint Brush

  • Water Cups

  • Artist Tape or Washi Tape

Now you’re all set to create!

Check out my video below if you’d like to see my day creating some meditative art.

Angie Nichols